Advantages and Disadvantages of Freelancing

Advantages and Disadvantages of Freelancing

Advantages of Freelancing

As a freelancer you are free from time and space. What does it mean? It’s mean you have to work in your own time, You haven’t  compelled to observe proper job times as in office. It’s upon you to schedule the working hours. If you sleep  late at night you can complete your job in night. You have no restrictions to visit office for work, you have to work from home. Time and space management is in your hands. 

Boss of your own

As a freelancer you are boss of your own. You don’t have to obey the orders of someone just like in office, where you have to work according to the directions of your boss.  

Earn as much as you can

When you work as a regular employee, you have fixed payment but in freelancing you have no boundary to earn money. You can earn more money by doing hard work. 

Casual attire

In office job you wear formal dressing, But in freelancing you can get rid of formal it. It’s your choice what you wear. Majority of freelancers work in pajamas and T-shirts.

Self growth

In freelancing you have a great opportunity to grow your business. Initially you start with single project and with the passage of time, when you become experienced you can get big projects. Similarly,  you can enhance your business to by developing a team. 

Self Recognition

When you work hard and satisfy your employer, it makes you popular in freelance market place. People recognise you through your work. You have your identity but the case is not same for office job.

Disadvantages of Freelancing

There are many advantages of freelancing but you should be aware of the pitfalls of self-employment.

Compromise on Health

Digital freelancing is sitting in front of computer to perform work. It’s reality you cannot sit all the time in front of computer and if you do this you will run serious health issues. Never compromise about health in greed of earning money. 

Over Work

No one can deny this fact that money makes a man greedy. Everyone wants to earn more and more money, therefor to get extra money he works extra hours. This leads to serious health problems.

Isolation from Society

Because of overwork a freelancer becomes a victim of isolation. In Office job many people work together, where they share their thoughts with each other. But a freelancer works solely, he only contacts his employer for working. 

Lack of Benefits

As a freelancer you have been deprived of many benefits which have been awarded to regular employees, such as insurance, pension, medical facilities, vehicle etc…

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